Diagnosis: sleepy

I went to my naturopath in Portland on Monday. Showed him the report from my sleep study and discussed all my continuing symptoms, and he made the conclusion O and I had already arrived at, but he put it so much more succinctly: I was sleepy.

I was sleepy, and not dreaming. So when I was talking garbage in the middle of the night it was because my regular dream cycle was not happening. And the dream cycle is where you empty your mental garbage can. I had not emptied my garbage can for months… Maybe more than a year. So all this garbage was overflowing and had to go somewhere: it comes out as sleeptalking in my all-too-light sleep cycle.

For five days now I have been on melatonin before bedtime. Still on klonopin and seroquel, so now I am on THREE sedatives. I sure am sleeping now. 11 hours a night. I guess this is what my body really needs right now.

It was my birthday on Tuesday. We all went out for a nice dinner. O had already given me presents in NYC because they were too fragile to make the trip to and from. I had a good time, but in my head my cancerversary has become a more important milestone for me right now. Maybe this will fade after I hit two years, maybe it will take five, but for now the end of February is where I am looking towards.

One of the things I was going to talk to my naturopath about was the transition from being a patient to not being a patient. I hate the “survivor” word. But regardless, my residual side effect symptoms have not gone away, nor has my energy come back in full, but I don’t know whether to wait for that to happen before I begin acting normal again, or whether to act normal as a way of helping break down the psychological barriers to that return. Of course it is a balance, and of course I am pushing myself too hard, but I thought it might have been useful to talk about. Maybe next time I am back here in April.