Apparently doctors regularly proscribe drugs for their placebo effect. The nytimes has an article detailing the practice.
I myself wholeheartedly believe in the effect. When I was put on a .75 mg dose of Klonopin, it calmed me down immediately. It actually calmed me down even before I got my prescription filled. Later, as I was recounding the medications I was on to a nurse, she said “that’s not doing anything! that’s not enough to be effective.” and i said “Shush! The placebo effect is working just fine.”
I have an Rx of Xanax which I have had about 20 pills for ohhhh 5 years now?
Just knowing I have them, just because I might need one is usually enough to calm me down.
yeah, i think i might be on my way to actually getting my own xanax… though i’ll prob take it!
how you are not on them already is amzing to me!!! Id probably be on the highest dose if I was you about ohhh feb?