Weekend 1, new side effects

Last night I discovered two new side effects: a rash on my arms and a swollen tonsil.  Only my right tonsil.  Swollen like a little ball.

Apparently the rash is common.  There is another woman who is doing the same Interferon sequence as I am and apparently she developed it on her arms and her legs on Friday; I was unaware, as I was asleep.  I got it Saturday.  Right as I was going to sleep.  I mentioned something about itchy arms, and my mom sprang into motion.  We went searching for the benedryl cream.  It turns out mom loaned it to the neighbors the day before.  So my dad went over to ask the neighbors to borrow it back, but they couldn’t find it.  So then he goes off to the closest 24hr pharmacy (oh, for this I miss New York.)  And about three minutes after he leaves the phone rings and it is the neighbors saying they found it.  I tell my mother, who calls my dad on the cell phone.  The last thing I hear before the Ambien drags me under is the sound of my Father’s cell phone ringing in my parents room, and my mother quietly cursing.

I spent almost the entire day in bed, and ate very little.

In the evening, I rallied and went with my parents to a marriage reception for a family friend. There were a couple of people there who I wanted to see, a ton of people I didn’t know, and almost no one in-between. I made it an hour.  i was fine and then all of a sudden I knew I had passed my threshold and had to go.  When I arrived I had a little jump in my step; I was alert and ready to handle whatever social stuff might come at me.  By the time I left I was shuffling my feet, and had my arms wrapped around my torso in self-comfort/self-defense.

I was proud that I made it at all.

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I am 30 year old Brooklynite who was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma in February 2008. I started this blog after the first day of high dose Interferon chemotherapy in June 2008.

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