The slow lane

in high school i liked to drive cars really fast.  when i came home from college and i was not used to driving, i learned to enjoy going slow.  really slow.  sometimes i would go extra slow to piss of people behind me who seemed like they were in too much of a rush.  now, i am learning to enjoy walking slow.  because i am often stuck walking slowly home from the subway.

today i was walking home from the subway and there was another (young) woman who was walking as slow as i was.  there were several awkward moments where i was about to pass her, then she was about to pass me.  we were very conscious of each other, b/c we we were both walking *so* slow.  i couldn’t take it anymore, and i walked even slower, and let her move ahead.

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I am 30 year old Brooklynite who was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma in February 2008. I started this blog after the first day of high dose Interferon chemotherapy in June 2008.

5 thoughts on “The slow lane”

  1. there was some serious tension in the air, but i don’t think it was that kind of tension… but next time I walk slow with someone, i’ll chat them up. maybe make friends. maybe meet girls. LOL.

  2. If this were a script, my line for you would have been, “I have cancer. What’s your excuse, slowpoke?” And I would cast Jason Schwartzman for the part (not for any resemblance in looks, dialog, or mannerisms…just because I think he’d probably act that line in the way that I’d want it to come out).

  3. okay x, i’ll try that line next time. though i think i’ll drop the slowpoke. its a little confrontational.

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