It really is called Atlas Tongue. I found this out from my Psychiatrist, of all people. Yes, that is a giant crack in the middle of my tongue with raw flesh popping through. Makes it pretty hard to eat anything.
Tag: IFN
Jumping ahead
I got confused yesterday and injected a day early. I’m not sure if my confusion led to preinjection nausea symptoms, or if I was just feeling bad in the same way I do in the hours leading up to an injection. Either way my body knew/tricked itself into thinking that the way out of the nausea was injection. It is both logical and alarming at the same time. It is crazy how much my body has adjusted to this nasty regimen. AKA “this nasty habit”
Slept all day from an asskicking
I had a really bad ass kicking last night. fever and chills, and shaking, and everything. I haven’t had it that bad since the last time I had to pause my treatment… 6 or 7 months ago. O held me tight, but I still felt like I was freezing. and shaking. Slept in, got up, went back to sleep, got up, and went back to sleep. finally came to around 430, disoriented and sore. feel like i got run over by a train. spent.
Body still falling apart
A list of Side Effects
A list of Side Effects that I have to tell my various doctors about. Compiled with O’s help.
- muscle aches (strained bicep)
- joint pain
- Finger nails are not growing in thick enough
- lip and tongue cuts
- infected lesions in ear canals
- nose crusties
- bloody noses
- nose infection/pain
- memory problems (persistent)
- slurring of speech
- loss of balance/falling
- ongoing lesions (legs, arms)
- hair loss
- libido
- irritability + spaciness VS indifference + apathy
- loss of appetite
- broken tooth
New Side Effects
today was the end of week 22 of self injection, which if you count the 4 weeks of IV high-dose, makes it 26 weeks, which is halfway through the year. I kind of think of them as two different events. the 4 weeks (which was really 6 weeks). and the 48 weeks, which is actually going to be closer to 55 weeks, with all of the breaks and drug holidays i have had to take to let my body heal. The one number that is undeniable is I have exactly six months left. Half a year. And that going forward it just gets less. I’m at the top of the hill, and everything is downhill from here
despite that uplifting bit of cliche’d symbolism, i’m feeling pretty shitty right now. my body is really falling apart. i strained my right bicep, and the interferon interferes with all of my healing processes. So strain not healing, and as i tweak it by accident it gets worse, so now i think i’m going to have to put it in a sling to protect it. more hassle. more atrophy.
my fingers are falling apart. more lesions, and split skin. that wont heal. same with my face (eyes and mouth)
the weirdest is that i chipped a tooth at the front of my mouth sometime about 48hrs ago. probably in my sleep. it was a fake tooth – a porcelain covered gold crown from a root canal, so the good news is that the tooth is long dead and i don’t have to worry about that. the bad news is that the break created this sharp hook like protuberance that is snagging and cutting my tongue when i talk or eat. so not so much talking or eating until i can get into my dentist