Voting for Obama gave me a Panic Attack, so I played the Cancer Card

Voting for Obama gave me a panic attack, so I played the Cancer Card.

The line to vote stretched around one short block (underhill), and down a long block all the way to Vanderbilt.  Okay, I’ve voted in this school three or four times, and never have I had to wait for more than 5 people.  There must have been 500 people in line.

As I walk down the line, seeing the end get further away as I walk towards it, I see people I know and nod to them.  I’m thinking about how long this is going to take, and whether I can do it.  And I get to the end of the line, and my body explodes into a full blown pins and needles attack immediately.

I strip off all the clothes I can remove and remain decent.  I scratch.  I sit down and try to meditate.  And in the end, after about 5 minutes of huddling in a fetal position in a 500 person long voting line, I gave in and played the Cancer Card.

I walked back to the front of the line (huddling and shivering) and told the person at the door that I had cancer, etc. etc.  As I was walking up I saw JW and his fiancee, and they both were immediately concerned with “are you okay?” questions, so I’m guessing I looked like hell.  I looked bad enough that the guy at the door just said “stand behind that woman”

It still took another 10 minutes of waiting to use the voting machine.  I ended up sitting down on the ground, trying to meditate.  Still in full pins and needles mode.

Once I was done voting, I basically ran out of there.  Walked home as fast as I could.  Took off more clothes on the way.  Walking down the street without any shirt on.  I got some dirty looks from a lesbian couple with their kid.

It was probably the worst pins and needles attack I have had.

Chemo Cruising

I had a pins and needles attack at lunch in a restaurant yesterday.  I felt it coming on, and walked out of the door onto Flatbush, and pulled up my shirt to get some cool air.  This is what I do all the time.  But this time I got cruised.

This crusty, trenchcoat wearing, almost homeless looking, scruffy headphone listening dude stops dead in his tracks, stares at me, and makes a grin.  Now if it were some hot Chelsea Muscle Boy…  JK.

But seriously, I’m having a crazy pins and needles attack, and this dude is thinking “that is some hot exposed flesh.”  So I just turned away from him.  I did want to explain the whole thing…  He kind of kept looking for a while, then wandered off.

It was funny. I came back into the restaurant and asked O if she had seen it.  And she had.  She pointed out that he went and took a menu so he could pretend he was doing something other than cruising me.