O gave me a new pill organizer. She actually gave me several, Three of which I am using, one of which I am declaring an artwork entitled "Sol Lewitt’s Pillbox."
It is verging on elaborate, but it works. I haven’t forgotten my drugs since I started using it two weeks ago.
I’m so so happy that this is working for you. And I love this image you’ve made. I know this isn’t an art blog, but it’s a beautiful image.
Speaking of art, maybe you should make a post about how much new art you’ve been making. Or even the fact that your book has come out and is doing exceedingly well. It’s a huge part of your big (and daily) picture and something that will probably be nice to look back on.
Though I must say, I was happy to realize just now that you don’t have any kind of “work” tag. I think it says good things about how you’ve been able to manage your [insanely productive] time this year. Something to be both proud of and thankful for…