I did the dishes

I did the dishes this morning.  This is no small thing.  I haven’t really done them for 7 months…  P and S and mom did them.  But S is in San Diego.  And my apartment is quiet and empty.  And the 48 hours of dishes were slowly building up.  And I took 10 minutes before I left today, and did them.

I started a mediatation class this monday.  Its Yogic.  Which is a little weird for me, b/c it involves God talk.  I just think of it all as a metaphor.  But there were some really good things that the really cute young monk talked about.  One of them was the idea that you are always either reinforcing or correcting behavior.  Every decisions reinforces that behaviour.

The monk used the example of cupcakes from Billy’s Bakery.  He obviously loves them.  If you walk by and smell the wonders of the cupcakes, and have one, the next time, you will want one.  You will be habituated to them.  If you go in then, you will almost expect to do this again and again. You get the ball rolling, and it rolls on its own inertia.

Conversely, it is hard to bring yourself to meditate at first.  It seems painful, and hard.  But the second time it is easier.  And the third even easier, and before you know it, it is just part of the routine.  You get the ball rollling and it rolls on its own inertia. Or at least that is the idea.

So washing the dishes is a big first step in getting the ball rolling.  Tomorrow it will be easier to do the dishes, and by next week, it will be no big deal.  Returning to the New Normal is hard.

Saying “I Love You”

Since the diagnosis i feel like i have an increased capacity to love people, and for people to love me.  or, put another way, i’m more likely to tell people i love them, and they to tell me.  people whom i very close to (but never said it), but also people whom this ordeal brought me closer to.

I don’t think it is the fear that i might not get the chance to say it b/c i might die, but rather that the possibility that i may die spurs me to do things I really wanted to do anyway.  its not that the diagnosis has me backed into a corner, but rather that it has become an opportunity to take advantage of.

I guess I became much more comfortable with the idea of loving platonically in the last few years.  I’m not sure when it happened, but it did.  I became much more comfortable with saying it, even to my parents.  I mean, of course, I love my parents, but I think that in the last few years something changed about the way I related to the phrase that allowed me to really mean it.  Or to recognize that emotion as love, though a different kind of love than romantic love.

So I got more used to saying it, and the idea of it.

Correspondingly, my cancer caused my friends to tell me they loved me.  I could speculate on causes: that it was the fear that I might die and they might never be able to tell me, or that the *realness* of the cancer allowed them to break out of their fear, or soomething else equally speculative.  But I will simply say that it has happened, and it is comforting.

The Compassion of Others

Today I have mouth sores. I did a quick search, and it is a little mentioned but documented side effect of the Interferon. Kind of like my mouth is raw in lots of parts.  Or like I burnt it on some really hot pizza, except not just the roof of my mouth.  Like ulcers, or gum disease or something. It hurts to eat food. I noticed it last night, and started using a mouthwash, which hasn’t helped. The interwebs say that there are some scary sounding iodine rinses, or you can just try warm salty water. Though neither work that well.  I’ll go for the salty water.

But it makes is really hard to eat. It hurts to have anything in contact with those areas. Especially hard or rough things. So when i got my sandwich today at the sandwich shop I go to nearly every day, I asked them to cut the crust off of the bread. I was bashful (if not ashamed) of having to make such a strange request. I mumbled something about having sores in my mouth, and chemotherapy. The two women who work the register know me well, and while they don’t adore me per se, I sense a fondness from them. They always remember that I don’t want a bag for my sandwich, and they love that I sometimes order one sandhich and 3 or 4 cookies (for my assistants!)  I guess I’m a regular. So they smiled, maybe not really understanding what I mumbled but not caring, and told the guys making the sandwiches what I wanted, they all laughed. Not a mean laugh, but a hearty “never a dull moment” laugh. I said “at least I made them laugh.” In the last six months I have realized how important making people laugh is to me.

On my way out of the store the man who ordered after me, but got his sandwich before me (because they didn’t have to cut the crust off!) held the door open for me. As I reached to take the door from him and walk through the threshold he said, “I hope you feel better.” I had not paid him any attention, but he heard enough to know that something was wrong. He might have heard me say “chemotherapy” or “mouth sores” or maybe he just knew of the feeling of needing the crust cut from your bread.

sandwich without crust

My sandwich shop, like my studio, is in Chelsea. Chelsea is many things, but one of them is a neighborhood of men who have survived. Men who have seen their friends and lovers die. And men who understand the toxic side effects of therapeutic drugs. It was so comforting to have that anonymous man offer me his support. To keep the door open with his hand, and offer me his words. It was comforting, but it also made me cry. I guess I’m used to crying on the street at this point

His brief comment was an act of recognition. He was saying “I know you. Know that I know you. Know that you are known and noticed for the pain and suffering you must be going through.” Obviously he didn’t say that, but that is what those words meant in that context.

I have been really honored to have friends and colleagues and mentors and peers who have come out and told me their own stories of illness. Stories I did not know before. Cancer, HIV, immunodeficiencies, epilepsy, etc. When you are publicly sick, people offer their hand.

A number of the “How to Survive Cancer” books and websites and pamphlets that I have read are big on having you *not* allow people to tell you the stories of their great aunt melba who had x or y cancer. They counsel you to say “I’m very sorry about your great aunt melba, but each case is different and I am trying to remain positive about my treatment and outcomes.” They are especially aggressive about that if great aunt melba died.

While I have had to pull that line a few times when it became clear aunt melba was dead or dying, the vast majority of times people have told me about their own health struggles it has been comforting.  It is like being welcomed into a world of other people like me that was existing in front of me, I just wasn’t able to or allowed to see it.  It is comforting to know that there are other friends of mine out there who are surviving their own battles with their own physical challenges.  It is comforting to know that I am not alone.

This post is for BB, HW, AW, BH, JW, SD, JC, CQ, EM, VT, LP, JG, KW, MH, IV, FG

Life will be better in 11 months

O mentioned that she was imagining what my life was going to be like in 11 months when the drug treatment has become so routine, and then is over.

i think my life is going to feel so awesome and easy in 11 months

i wont have to shoot up
i’ll have lots of energy
i will have made it through
i will have an appetite
i will eat anything i want
i wont have to take anymore anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs (which make it so I can’t orgasm)
i will be able to have all the orgasms i want
i will want to eat more than watermelon, smoothies and watermelon.  oh and frozen pizzas
oh, life will be better in 11 months
I hope.
PS I just addd the “hope” tag